Image depicting the time it takes to complete a puzzle

How Long Does it Take to Do a 1000 Piece Puzzle | Spilsbury


Have you ever wondered, “How long does a 1000 piece puzzle take to solve?” It depends! Completing a 1000 piece puzzle can last anywhere from a couple of hours to multiple days. For the average puzzler, a 1000 piece puzzle takes anywhere from 4–10 hours to complete. Jigsaws are the toughest, but different strategies help to decrease time. It’s all about interest. If you enjoy a good challenge, 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles are fantastic. Grab a friend or family member to assist! Read on to discover the best puzzle tips.

What factors affect the time it takes to complete a 1000 piece puzzle?

The time it takes to complete a 1000 piece puzzle depends on many factors, including difficulty, skill level, and attention. Ready, set, focus!

The difficulty of the puzzle

Even with the same piece count, not all puzzles have identical difficulty levels. Factors that impact puzzle complexity include colors, images, and shape. In fact, shaped puzzles are considered tougher than square puzzles since there are no clear edges. Dull, less defined puzzles will generally be more difficult than sharp and colorful sets.

The skill level of the puzzler

Skill level is a major factor in the amount of time it takes to complete a puzzle. Expert puzzlers have the patience and experience to complete larger puzzles, and oftentimes can finish a puzzle much faster than a less experienced puzzler. If the puzzler has completed the puzzle before, this can result in a faster time of completion. Does a 1000 piece puzzle sound too daunting? Try a 500 piece puzzle instead.

The attention given to completing the puzzle

Attention and effort weigh into the amount of time it takes to complete a 1000 piece puzzle. Preparing beforehand can cut down on finishing time. Having a puzzle caddy can be a huge help to assist with larger puzzles, helping to stay organized and focused. Many puzzlers also keep a timer to concentrate. 

What are tips and tricks to efficiently complete a 1000 piece puzzle?

Completing a 1000 piece puzzle takes time and effort, but there are plenty of helpful ways to stay on task. All puzzlers know that there’s no better feeling than adding the last piece to the puzzle. Here are some helpful tips to assist with finishing your 1000 piece puzzle.

How to Solve a Puzzle

  • Use the image on the puzzle’s box as a reference.
  • Flip over every piece image side up.
  • Start with the edges to outline the frame of the puzzle.
  • Take small breaks and try to finish within one sitting
  • Stay organized and focused
  • Stay consistent and don’t give up!


Ready to take on a challenge? Check out the wide selection of 1000 piece puzzles from Spilsbury, along with a wide variety of our new puzzles today. Thanks for reading!